• Cultural

Cremona mustard festival

The mustard is a typical Lombard product, originating from the city of Cremona and part of its culinary history. Its origins are ancient and the first testimonies that refer to this Cremonese delicacy date back to the Middle Ages. It is mixed fruit cut into large pieces or left whole, accompanied by mustard. This combination of ingredients allows you to fully appreciate the harmony of flavors that is created between the sweetness of the fruit and the spicy of mustard.


Cremona is the home of mustard, considered a delicate and harmonious artistic balance of all 5 senses. The mustard is in fact a product that can certainly satisfy the taste but, through its bright colors and its scent with notes, the sight and smell too. In addition, its soft texture also intrigues from the point of view of touch. An artistic balance that can be associated with the art of violin making, another fundamental element and pride of Cremona. The mustard has been appreciated by many ancient and contemporary musicians and writers. Some of them said that the fruits that compose it “are too beautiful to eat”. It has been defined as an extremely refined dish, baroque, sweet, full-bodied, and spicy.

mustard festival

pillars of Cremona

This Cremonese excellence is celebrated on the Mustard Festival, from October 15th to November 30th 2022. The goal is to bring to light traditions, which represent one of the pillars of Cremona. A series of days dedicated to this delicious dish with a rich program of tastings by the food and wine realities and restaurants of the area. The festival has been taking place for 7 editions, the 2022 edition will be the eighth, confirming the success of previous editions. The 2022 edition more than a long party, will be a journey to discover the Cremonese product with bright colors and an unmistakable flavor. Every year new ways are put into practice to enhance the ancient product of the Cremona culinary tradition, also thanks to digital technologies.



* Content realized with the contribution of Regione Lombardia.

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