Crusted salami

Crusted salami


  • 600 g Whole cooked Salame Piacentino DOP
  • 1 kg spinach
  • 50 g Parmigiano Reggiano DOP
  • 1 egg
  • 2 sheets of rectangular puff pastry
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • pepper to taste


  1. Cook the spinach in a non-stick pan with a drizzle of oil and add salt immediately. Stir occasionally and cook until the spinach wilt.
  2. As soon as they are cooked, let them cool and squeeze to remove excess liquid.
  3. Break the egg into a bowl, add a teaspoon of Parmesan cheese and set aside.
  4. Roll out the two puff pastry together leaving their paper on a baking sheet.
  5. Add the grated cheese spinach with pepper and spread them evenly over the puff pastry.
  6. Wrap the cooked salami in the layers created with the puff pastry and spinach, closing well so that the spinach does not come out.
  7. Pierce the puff pastry with a fork to prevent it from swelling.
  8. Pass, on the external surface, a veil of eggs and Parmesan cheese with a kitchen brush.
  9. Bake for 30 minutes at 170 degrees until golden at the right point.
  10. Cut into slices of about 1cm and serve together with the baked potatoes
Salumi Piacentini DOP

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When was the last time you had dinner in an Italian restaurant in Canada and you thought you were dining in Italy? That’s exactly how “Ospitalità Italiana Certified”restaurants want you to feel when you visit their fine dining establishments.

Ospitalità Italiana is an official certification from Unioncamere, Italy’s federation of local Chambers of Commerce and Industry, that tells you that the food you are enjoying is unquestionably Italian: products are authentic, ingredients genuine and recipes true to the thousand year history of Italian cuisine.

Canada is home to some leading Italian Chefs. Passionate and innovative, many have refined their skills and advanced their knowledge directly in Italy. In addition, Montréal boasts a fabulous cooking school ITHQ where young aspiring chefs learn Italian technic and Italian traditional recipes from the masters.

So the next time you make reservations for an Italian dinner in a Montreal restaurant, ask if they’ve received the Ospitalità Italiana seal of approval. You will enjoy the true Italian taste.