Mortadella Bologna IGP

Mortadella Bologna IGP is an Italian cold cut made from porc, with origins in the province of Bologna in the region of Emilia-Romagna.


Mortadella Bologna IGP is one of the most famous excellences of the Italian gastronomic tradition. For this reason, #MortadellaDay, the pinkest day of the year, is celebrated and recognized worldwide.

In many countries, the mortadella is called “Bologna” to indicate its undisputed place of birth.

Mortadella was considered in the Renaissance to be a refined and expensive charcuterie, which was worth 3 times as much as prosciutto, due to both the value of the raw material and the costs associated with the production which required highly specialized artisans. It was not until the 19th century, following the gradual development of the charcuterie industry, that it became accessible to all, more “democratic” and popular, and that it was exported internationally.

Mortadella Bologna IGP is unique as it is cooked and not cured, like many other cold cuts are prepared. It is is pink, with some white fat spots and has a delicate flavour, it is often made with pistachios in order to enhance the taste.

Mortadella is often eaten on its own and is a favourite among Italians to be added into sandwiches, in southern Italy is it also a common pizza topping. Mortadella Bologna IGP is best enjoyed with local Emilia Romagna wines, such as a Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC.

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