Pesca e Nettarina Di Romagna IGP

The Peach and Nectarine of Romagna IGP generally have a round shape, more or less flattened, and they usually have red skin with yellow and orange shades. Both can be either white or yellow pulp, which is juicy and sweet, with an intense aroma.


The origins of the peaches and nectarines of Romagna date back to the 19th century, when plants for the cultivation of this fruit were set up in the province of Ravenna. Since then, the orchards have spread more and more in various areas of the provinces of Bologna, Ferrara and Forlì, making sure that, over the years, the product has become increasingly known, appreciated and also marketed abroad. The vocation of the Emilia-Romagna region for this type of production is confirmed by the role it played in the birth of specialized Italian fruit growing and by having improved since the post-war period in terms of quantities produced compared to other regions.

The peaches and nectarines of Romagna have a very low calorie content and are therefore suitable for low-calorie diets. Furthermore, due to the high presence of water in the pulp, they are particularly refreshing.


Discover Emilia-Romagna

  • Emilia-Romagna
true italian taste

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