
GIA is a family company established in 1980 in San Carlo, in the province of Ferrara, an area of Italy that has a strong agricultural and gastronomic tradition and is part of what is known as Italy’s Food Valley. The company began its work based on Modesto Giberti’s intuition to create a product that would simplify the use of garlic.

GIA’s mission is to offer packaged products that can be preserved over time, practical to use and made from the best raw materials.

Packaging the product in an aluminum tube makes it possible to guarantee and maintain the quality of the product, preserving its flavor and aroma without leaving an odor on the hands after use.
This was the basis for bringing the unmistakable flavour of garlic to tables all over the world. Their garlic purée is still produced as it was 40 years ago, with all the attention to detail, passion for the work, love of the land and great respect for agriculture that have always distinguished GIA.

Established to produce garlic purée, GIA has applied the same philosophy to create a range of practical products that are ideal for traditional recipes but also leave room for personal creativity in preparing dishes.

Through their products, GIA has made a significant contribution to reducing food waste thanks to the ease of preserving the product compared to using fresh raw materials.

In fact, their products:
– Are always ready to use, without the need for any preliminary operations
– Allow you to personalize many recipes in an original way
– Allow you to add just the right amount of product to each recipe, without producing scraps or waste.


  • Garlic Purée in a tube
  • Chilli Purée in a tube
  • Sun Dried Tomato Pesto in a tube
  • Green Pesto in a tube
  • Shallot Purée in a tube
  • Anchovy Paste in a tube
  • Soffrito Vegetable Base in a tube



Discover italy

Are you curious by nature? Are you a foodie? Discover the rich culture and gastronomy that is particular to each region.

When was the last time you had dinner in an Italian restaurant in Canada and you thought you were dining in Italy? That’s exactly how “Ospitalità Italiana Certified”restaurants want you to feel when you visit their fine dining establishments.

Ospitalità Italiana is an official certification from Unioncamere, Italy’s federation of local Chambers of Commerce and Industry, that tells you that the food you are enjoying is unquestionably Italian: products are authentic, ingredients genuine and recipes true to the thousand year history of Italian cuisine.

Canada is home to some leading Italian Chefs. Passionate and innovative, many have refined their skills and advanced their knowledge directly in Italy. In addition, Montréal boasts a fabulous cooking school ITHQ where young aspiring chefs learn Italian technic and Italian traditional recipes from the masters.

So the next time you make reservations for an Italian dinner in a Montreal restaurant, ask if they’ve received the Ospitalità Italiana seal of approval. You will enjoy the true Italian taste.