Piadina Romagnola IGP

Piadina Romagnola IGP (or Piada Romagnola IGP) is a product of the Romagna tradition made with soft wheat flour, water, fats and salt. The ready-made product is available in two types of different formats: Piadina Romagnola and Piadina Romagnola alla Riminese.



The history

Piadina Romagnola IGP is the symbol of Romagna gastronomy. Its reputation dates back to the fourteenth century, although even Virgil had hinted at something similar in the seventh book of the Aeneid, describing a thin toasted disc. Piadina was born as a humble food; traditionally prepared between one batch of bread and another that were baked once a week.

The consumption of Piadina continued through the centuries until the Middle Age when the inhabitants of Romagna started to use the poorest cereals trying not to get taxed by the nobles and landowners. Piadina had gained so much popularity that in 1371, to protest the absurd taxes, Cardinal Angelico noted that there were “two ‘Piade’” between the taxpayers in the city of Modigliana (Forlì-Cesena) and their collector, the Apostolic Chamber.

Over the centuries, it has gone from a “poor man’s bread”, fast and without the need for leavening, to a widely consumed product. Known in Romagna with the dialectal form piè, it took on its current name thanks to the Italianization of Giovanni Pascoli’s poem La Piada (New Poems), in which the poet defines it as the “bread of humanity”.

How do you know if you’re eating the real thing?
  • Check if you see the IGP acronym next to the name. Piadina was registered in 2014 in the list of PGI products (controlled geographical indication), including the “Rimini” variant, to protect its tradition. If you are still unsure, you can check the following regulations determined by the Consortium. The Disciplinary provides for a thickness of up to 3 mm and a diameter of 23 to 30 cm for the Rimini piadina. For the piadina delle Terre di Romagna, a thickness of 4 to 10 mm and a smaller diameter of 15 to 30 cm has been prepared.


  • There are differences between the two macro-categories of piadina: the Romagnola IGP and the Romagnola alla Rimini IGP: First, the size. The Romagnola is smaller: its diameter ranges from 15 to 25 cm and reaches almost 8 mm in thickness. The Riminese, on the other hand, is wider with a diameter of about 25-30 cm, therefore also thinner, with a maximum thickness of 3 mm. This makes it more flexible and highlights some darker “spots”.
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