Tartufi Bianchi di Pisa

In the Pisan territory, the highly prized Pisa White Truffles, but also other truffles (the bianchetto, scorzone and even black), find their ideal habitat.


A stretch of Pisan territory starting from San Miniato  and leads to Palaia and Peccioli to then go south to Volterra, can be renamed “the truffle road“. These ancient lands are the origin of the highly prized white truffle, but also of other truffles (the bianchetto, scorzone and even black truffle). It is no coincidence that one of the first Truffle Associations in Italy, Tartufai of San Miniato, was born here, in order to promote the protection of the environment as well as  the cultivation, production and enhancement of truffles.

The National White Truffle Market Exhibition has been held in this area for half a century with various kinds of initiatives dedicated to the white truffle and lasts for three weekends in November. The climate, the soil and the vegetation means that even in the nearby area of Palaia it is possible to find this particular white truffle which reaches its maturation period from September to December. Thanks to a study by the University of Pisa, the first identity cards of the Tuber Magnatum Pico (Latin name of the white truffle) and of the Bianchetto or Marzuolo Truffle (found between January and April) were born here.

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