Prosciutto Toscano DOP

In Tuscany, men and women, animals and plants have a form, a language, feelings, colors and joy to express. Each action is driven by passion for history and tradition in all things big and small, and the process of creation always takes the value of a “ceremony”.


Tuscan pig farming has ancient, rural, smallholding origins and the resulting product has maintained to our days all those characteristics of genuineness, taste and flavor enhancing its excellence.

In 1990, a group of Tuscan producers, aware of the need to protect Tuscan Ham from the uncontrolled proliferation of other hams which had little in common with the Tuscan tradition, joined together to create the Tuscan Ham Consortium, with the aim of promoting, enhancing and protecting their product both on domestic and foreign markets, while also keeping a close link with the territory it belongs to: Tuscany. In 1996, the Tuscan Ham obtained the coveted Community recognition as PDO – “Protected Designation of Origin” – thanks to the commitment to, and the respect for, the Tuscan food tradition by all its members, who decided to proudly adhere to the precise articles set forth in the Set of Rules. Pigs are selected only among those, born and bred in Tuscany and in the nearby regions.

All animals must be at least 9 months old and have a live weight between 144 and 176 kilos. Processing takes place exclusively at ham-production plants located in Tuscany and using fresh hind legs only (frozen hind legs or legs which underwent other preservation processes are not admitted). Salting is carried out with dry salt, pepper and the natural flavourings typical of the Tuscan territory.

The resulting savour is very characteristic: a delicate taste, wisely enriched with the unmistakable scents of “Toscanità”, which made “Prosciutto Toscano” famous. Production control is carried out by a Certification Body authorized by the Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry. After a long ageing period, hams are branded with the Consortium Brand shaped as the region Tuscany, which labels the “Prosciutto Toscano PDO” and ensures its quality, provided all strict production requirements are met.

To learn more visit the website

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