Rizzoli Emanuelli Spa

“Ante Lucrum Nomen” has been the company’s motto since 1906: reputation before profit, quality of the product above everything else.


The company’s history begins in the early 1900s thanks to the resourcefulness of Luigi and Emilio Zefirino Rizzoli. Masters in the art of fish preservation, they moved from Turin to Parma in 1906 and, together with Antonietta Emanuelli, they founded today’s Rizzoli Emanuelli Spa, specialized in anchovy filleting and packaging.

Anchovies in Spicy Sauce were created in 1906.  Inimitable in the iconic golden tin, what makes them unique is indeed the sauce, matured in numbered wooden barrels that previously contained Marsala wine, prepared with fresh ingredients hand-prepared. Recipes and cooking time are so valuable that have been passed on only to the first born orally.

The four pillars of quality

  • Experience: Rizzoli Emanuelli Spa is the oldest company in the fish preserve sector, for five generations it has been handing down passion and expertise from father to son, along the route of innovation.
  • Raw materials : Rizzoli Emanuelli Spa processes only anchovies coming from the Cantabrian, the Mediterranean, the Strait of Sicily and the Adriatic Sea. They select only the best fish batches and excellent ingredients, following a scrupulous quality protocol that makes no exceptions.
  • Processing: Rizzoli Emanuelli Spa dedicate to its product the attention it deserves: we work by hand, in the respect of the Time Honoured Rizzoli Rule, a family tradition.
  • People: Rizzoli Emanuelli Spa rely on Sicilian salting masters, keepers of the art of fish preservation. It is a company of artisans who know fish at first sight, with passion for quality.


  • Anchovy Fillets in Olive Oil
  • Salted Anchovies
  • Anchovy Paste
  • Tuna Fillets and Slices
  • Mackerel and Sardine Fillets
  • Anchovy fillets in spicy sauce and in extra virgin olive oil

Seas of excellence

  • Cantabrian Sea anchovies and anchovy fillets MSC Certified
  • Adriatic Sea anchovy fillets
  • Cantabrian Sea anchovy fillets


  • Anchovy fillets, Tuna fillets, Sardines, Mackerel fillets in extra virgin organic olive oil



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