Cascina Castlet

“Whoever chooses a bottle of Cascina Castlet loves beautiful things, the good things in life, the things that dreams are made of”.

Cascina Castlet’s two main aims are respect for nature and alignment with technological progress. Through important investments in land, top-of-the-line equipment and, above all, research, this vineyard has now expanded to over 28 hectares of vines in Costiglione d’Asti.

Although the company mainly focuses on the land and the local grape varieties like the Barbera, Moscato, Uvalino and Nebbiol, Cascina Castlet also specializes in Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay, a variety introduced in Costigliole by Marquis Filippo Asinari of San Marzano in the 18th century.

Cascina Castlet has belonged to the Borio family for generations. Mariuccia, its present owner, inherited it from her father in 1970. For years, her vision and brave decisions regarding marketing have helped sculpt the company’s trademark originality and give its signature wines their unique names and stories—wines like the Passum, Policalpo, Avié, Litina Goj, Ataj and Uceline. Produced with the utmost respect for ethics and culture, each wine is a love letter to those who strive to protect and cherish the environment.

For them, ethics and culture mean respecting the environment and those who work in it because only a serene atmosphere can provide the high quality of work needed to produce wine at our level.

Combining ancient traditions with new technology, the farmhouse’s old stone walls house large 34 hectolitre oak barrels opposite the yard of a newer cellar where the wine is aged in modern steel barrels, next to the automated bottling line. Within this carefully controlled environment, they store their finest grapes destined to become Barbera PassumMoscato, Avié and that rarest, the Uvalino, a wine served only to a select clientele and during private celebrations.




  • Vespa 2018, Barbera d’Asti DOCG (Barbera)
  • Litina 2015, Barbera d’Asti Superiore DOCG (Barbera)
  • White

  • Moscato d’Asti DOCG, Moscato d’Asti DOCG (Moscato)
  • NULL00


  • Wine and food pairing
  • Wine and food pairing
  • Wine and food pairing
  • Wine and food pairing
  • Taste the Wines

    Cascina Castlèt Litina Barbera d'Asti Superiore 2015

    Cascina Castlèt Vespa Barbera d'Asti 2020

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