Prosciutto di Norcia IGP

Prosciutto di Norcia IGP is a raw and cured charcuterie product, made with meat from legs of large Italian pigs.


The production area for Proscuitto di Norcia IGP is limited to the communities of Norcia, Preci, Cascia, Monteleone di Spoleto and Poggiodomohe, all located within the province of Perugia, in the central region of Umbria. The proscuitto has a characteristically rounded pear shape with a weight of 8.5 kg. It has a pinkish-red colour, with a savoury and slightly spicy flavour due to the addition of pepper during the curing process.

The prosciutto is best eaten on its own in thin slices accompanied with typical Umbrian products, such as Roccaccio cheese. It should ideally be paired with full-bodied red wines from the region, especially Rosso di Torgiano DOC.

true italian taste

When was the last time you had dinner in an Italian restaurant in Canada and you thought you were dining in Italy? That’s exactly how “Ospitalità Italiana Certified”restaurants want you to feel when you visit their fine dining establishments.

Ospitalità Italiana is an official certification from Unioncamere, Italy’s federation of local Chambers of Commerce and Industry, that tells you that the food you are enjoying is unquestionably Italian: products are authentic, ingredients genuine and recipes true to the thousand year history of Italian cuisine.

Canada is home to some leading Italian Chefs. Passionate and innovative, many have refined their skills and advanced their knowledge directly in Italy. In addition, Montréal boasts a fabulous cooking school ITHQ where young aspiring chefs learn Italian technic and Italian traditional recipes from the masters.

So the next time you make reservations for an Italian dinner in a Montreal restaurant, ask if they’ve received the Ospitalità Italiana seal of approval. You will enjoy the true Italian taste.