Calcioni Marchigiani

Calcioni Marchigiani


For the dough:

  • 400 g of flour
  • 3 small (or 2 large) eggs
  • 30 g of lard
  • a spoon full of sugar
  • the juice of 1/2 lemon

For the stuffing:

  • 300 g of Casciotta d’Urbino DOP cheese
  • 200 g of aged sweet Pecorino
  • 150 g of sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 large lemon


Grate both the aged and fresh Pecorino cheese.

Collect the mixture in a bowl, combine the sugar, the eggs, the juice and the grated lemon rind and mix well.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the mixture rest in the refrigerator for a whole day.

For the dough, sieve the flour on a pastry board, make a well in the center add the eggs, the lard, the sugar and the lemon juice.

Mix the ingredients with a fork, bringing a little flour towards the center and then mix for a few minutes.

Form a ball and let the dough rest for half an hour, wrapped in film.

Divide the dough into three pieces and pass them in a pasta machine starting from the first thickness and gradually through all the others.

Cut out dough in 12 cm discs, fill each one with stuffing, brush the perimeter with a little water and close the half-moon, pressing well to weld the dough.  Add a walnut on top of each one.

Place the half-moons on a plate lined with parchment paper and then brush with yolk diluted with a tablespoon of water, then with the scissors, make two crossed cuts on the top of each (during cooking a piece of cheese will come out).

Put in the oven at 180 ° and cook for about 20 minutes. They taste great warm or cold.

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