Cappelletti in brodo

Cappelletti in brodo

Cappelletti au broth is a dish of fresh stuffed pasta, usually made with red meat or chicken, cooked with a delicious broth. This dish is traditionally served as a starter during Easter celebrations.





  • 6 whole eggs
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 300 g 00 flour
  • 300 g type 2 flour



  • beef broth


To prepare the cappelletti in broth, start with the filling. With a sharp knife cut the meat from the capon by removing the carcass and skin (you can save them for the broth). Cut the pulp into cubes and proceed in the same way with the veal and pork. Brown them in a very hot pan with the butter, turning them often with a spatula until they have slightly browned.

Turn off, season with salt and pepper. Chop the meat while still hot in the blender with the grated parmesan. Also add the egg and mix until smooth.

If possible, let the filling rest in the refrigerator for 1 night, covering it with cling film (optional, but recommended). If you intend to use it immediately, place it in the refrigerator until you need it. Prepare the pasta: in a bowl, or on a pastry board, mix the two flours together with the eggs.

You will need to obtain a smooth and elastic dough which you will wrap in cling film and leave to rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. After this time, roll out the dough whichever way you prefer: on a freshly floured baking sheet with a rolling pin or with the special rolling pin.

Using a pastry wheel, cut out 4 cm squares. Place a small amount of dough in the center. Now close them like this: fold each square into a triangle keeping the top towards the horizon. Close the flaps by applying pressure with your fingers. Take the two lower peaks between the index thumb of both hands, slide the dough around the finger so that the opposite peak stretches and rises and closes well without exaggerating, checking that the cappeletto does not drape too much. Gradually place them on a well-floured baking sheet.

Dip the cappelletti into the hot broth and remove them according to the preferred cooking level, transferring them to the bowls. Serve immediately.


Recipe from Il cucchiaio d’argento

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