Cantina Puianello

With a rich history that begins in 1938, when five associates founded Cantina Puianello in the village that gave the winery its name, the company now counts many new families who have pooled their values and traditions together to add to its pioneering spirit.


It all began in 1938, when five men founded Cantina Puianello in the homonymous village. To the starting project and its pioneering spirit will join new families, inspiring values that later will be shared by next generations.

Indeed, to best showcase the flavours of this unique region that spans from Scandiano to Canossa, the wines produced there only use grapes from the members of Cantina Puianello. This is but one of the many ways in which the vineyard combines profound respect for nature with new technologies, in order to ensure the quality and uniqueness of its wines.

Sheltered by the Apennine Reggiano Hills, this rolling, humid region—with its sudden fogs and distinctive temperature excursions—offers an ideal growing environment for such celebrated wines as the Lambrusco, Malvasia di Candia Aromatica, Spergola and Marzemino, which thrive in the area’s typical calcareous clay soils. In addition to its vertical trellis system, vegetation containment and traditional Guyot pruning method, the vines of Cantina Puianello benefit from the extensive expertise of the company’s wine-growers, all natives of the area between Scandiano and Canossa, a land that once belonged to the “Queen of Italy” Matilde di Canossa in the 11th and 12th centuries.

Cantina Puianello is in the heart of the Lambrusco region. Here they have access to several varieties of autochthon grapes such as Lambrusco, Malvasia di Candia Aromatica, Spergola and Marzemino.





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