Cesar Salad with Asiago DOP

Cesar Salad with Asiago DOP


• 150 g Fresh Asiago

• 100 g Valeriana (songino)

• 100 g Arucula

 50 ml of late radicchio from Treviso

• 1/2 pomegranate

• 100 gr lentils

• 1 leaf Laurel

• q.s. integral sea salt

• q.s. White pepper

• q.s. extra virgin olive oil

• q.s. Chia seeds

• q.s. mustard with orange

• q.s. mayonnaise with herbs

• 5 slices wholemeal bread

 q.s. fresh rosemary

• q.s. lemon juice


  1. First, if you have a few hours of time, soak the lentils with a few drops of lemon. Rinse them well and boil them for about 40 minutes in lightly salted water. They must be cooked but not undone. The cooking time depends on the type of lentil you will use. Set aside to cool.
  2. Cut the wholemeal bread into slices and then into cubes. In a pan pour a drizzle of oil and the sprig of rosemary to flavor and toast the bread for a few minutes until golden brown. If you also love garlic, you can also add a clove poached. Let it cool.
  3. Wash the valerian, rocket and late radicchio. The latter cut it into small pieces.
  4. Shell the pomegranate and set aside.
  5. In individual dishes, layered valerian, arucula, tardivo, sprinkle with lentils and pomegranate seeds. Add the Asiago cheese in flakes or fillets and then compose another layer by repeating all the ingredients, also sprinkling with chia seeds. Season with salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice.
  6. Also put on the table some orange mustard and herb mayonnaise for the diners.

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