Agnello Cacio e Uova

Agnello Cacio e Uova


4 servings

  • 1.6 kg Lamb
  • 8 eggs
  • 100 g Pecorino cheese or cow’s cheese matured and grated
  • 100 ml Extra virgin olive oil Colline Teatine DOP
  • 100 ml Dry white wine
  • Onions to taste
  • Rosemary to taste
  • Bay leaves
  • Parsley to taste
  • Garlic to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste


Cut the lamb into small pieces.

Fry the extra virgin olive oil with the onion in a crock pot.

Add the lamb seasoned with salt, pepper and chopped herbs.

Stir for 5 minutes and add the white wine.

Cover with water and cook (the meat must remain rather moist).

In a bowl, beat the eggs with the cheese and parsley. When it is cooked, add the preparation with the eggs and cheese to the meat and cook for 20 minutes.

Serve boiling in the same pot used for cooking.

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When was the last time you had dinner in an Italian restaurant in Canada and you thought you were dining in Italy? That’s exactly how “Ospitalità Italiana Certified”restaurants want you to feel when you visit their fine dining establishments.

Ospitalità Italiana is an official certification from Unioncamere, Italy’s federation of local Chambers of Commerce and Industry, that tells you that the food you are enjoying is unquestionably Italian: products are authentic, ingredients genuine and recipes true to the thousand year history of Italian cuisine.

Canada is home to some leading Italian Chefs. Passionate and innovative, many have refined their skills and advanced their knowledge directly in Italy. In addition, Montréal boasts a fabulous cooking school ITHQ where young aspiring chefs learn Italian technic and Italian traditional recipes from the masters.

So the next time you make reservations for an Italian dinner in a Montreal restaurant, ask if they’ve received the Ospitalità Italiana seal of approval. You will enjoy the true Italian taste.