Maccheroni con il sugo di capra

Maccheroni con il sugo di capra

If you are planning a trip to the small town of Bova Marina in Calabria, you should know that this location offers visitors a blend of natural beauty, historical heritage, and culinary delights, one of which is the dish “maccaruni ‘i casa cu sugu i capra” or “macaroni with goat sauce,” a traditional dish of Calabrian cuisine that the Ministry of Agricultural, Food, and Forestry Policies has included in the list of Traditional Agri-Food Products of the Calabria region (PAT).

This is one of the oldest recipes in regional cuisine, especially belonging to the territory facing the Ionian Sea.



  • For the macaroni dough: water and semolina flour
  • Goat meat
  • Pecorino cheese or salted ricotta
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Onion
  • Bay leaves



The dough is divided into small cylinders about 5 cm long. Inside these cylinders, a “ferretto” (a small rod) is inserted, which is rolled several times on the work surface. Each macaroni, visibly elongated, is slid off the ferretto and placed on a lightly floured cloth.

To prepare the goat sauce, you need to moisten the meat with white wine and let it simmer for about twenty minutes to eliminate its particularly “strong” odor. Meanwhile, prepare a sauce with olive oil, sliced onion, a few bay leaves, to which you add the goat meat that has already been simmered. Then continue with slow cooking for a couple of hours. Cook the macaroni and toss them with the goat sauce, plenty of grated pecorino cheese or hard salted ricotta.

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