A journey through the land of Lambrusco and tortellini

A journey through the land of Lambrusco and tortellini


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1st day: Modena and surroundings

Arrival and check in at the hotel or agriturismo. Guided tour to the main sights of the city centre:

Cathedral, Piazza Grande, Ghirlandina Tower and Town Hall, where the famous stolen bucket is kept. During the tour you will be shown the old medieval measures on the Cathedral and the calendar on the Porta della Pescheria. Afternoon: cooking lesson to get to know the secrets of tortellini and egg fresh pasta. Dinner and overnight stay.

2nd day: Carpi – Sorbara – Bastiglia

Morning: visit of Carpi city centre, a Renaissance jewel. Lunch in agriturismo with tasting of Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce DOC.

Afternoon:  visit to an “acetaia” where Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena DOP is produced and of a Sorbara Lambrusco Wine DOC production with guided tasting.

Overnight stay.

3rd day: Castelfranco Emilia – Nonantola

Morning: visit to a production of Parmigiano – Reggiano DOP cheese. Transfer to Castelfranco Emilia and lunch in a restaurant with traditional menu and tortellini and Lambrusco Grasparossa DOC tasting.

Afternoon: visit to Villa Sorra and its garden. It is one of the most important villas of Modena area. In its park we find an example of 1800 romantic garden, considered one of the most important informal gardens in Emilia Romagna. Visit to Nonantola Abbey. End of service.

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